A tragic incident unfolded near Bilaspur Chowk on NH-8, claiming the life of a 28-year-old helper while leaving the driver injured. The unfortunate event occurred when a trailer collided with the truck from behind, resulting in the truck flipping onto the opposite side of the road. The driver, Nitin (30), sustained minor injuries, while his co-passenger, Rajeev Kumar, suffered injuries on his head and arms.
Rajeev and Nitin were on their way from Bhiwadi in Rajasthan to Gurgaon on Thursday. Heavy traffic near Panchgaon Chowk, attributed to Republic Day celebrations, prompted them to take an alternative route towards Bilaspur Chowk. Tragically, during this diversion, a trailer collided with their vehicle, causing the pickup truck to crash into the divider.
Ved Pal, the driver of the trailer, abandoned his vehicle at the scene and fled. Nitin, who also filed the complaint, recalled the injuries sustained by both occupants. A passerby facilitated their admission to Astha Hospital. Rajeev’s injuries, however, proved fatal, and he was later admitted to Prime Hospital in Rewari, where he succumbed to his injuries during treatment.
Inspector Arwind, SHO of Bilaspur police station, assured that strict actions would be taken against the accused trailer driver, whose apprehension was facilitated using the trolley’s registration number. Investigations into the case are ongoing, and authorities are committed to ensuring justice for the victims.
The incident serves as a stark reminder of the consequences of road accidents and the need for heightened awareness and adherence to safety measures on busy highways. As the community mourns the loss of a young life, it also underscores the importance of enforcing road safety regulations to prevent such tragic incidents in the future.
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