A central team, led by Shri Gajendra Singh Shekhawat, the Union Minister for Jal Shakti, arrived in Chandigarh today to engage in discussions with the chief ministers and officials of Punjab and Haryana regarding the contentious Satluj-Yamuna Link Canal issue. However, the timing of the visit on December 28, a day significant for the martyrdom of Baba Zorawar Singh and Baba Fateh Singh, the younger sons of Guru Gobind Singh Ji, has sparked controversy and condemnation from Punjab’s farmers.

The five major farmer organizations of Punjab, collectively known as “Panj Kisan Jathas,” issued a memorandum to express their disapproval of the chosen date for the discussions. December 28 holds deep historical and cultural significance for the people of Punjab, marking the sacrifice of the younger sons of Guru Gobind Singh Ji. This date is a reminder of the sacrifices made in the past, particularly in connection to the Satluj-Yamuna Link Canal issue, which has been a longstanding point of contention.
In their memorandum, the farmer organizations condemned the central government’s decision to hold discussions on a day of emotional significance for the people of Punjab. They highlighted the imposition of the Essential Services Maintenance Act (ESMA), which has led to unfortunate incidents and increased distress in the state.

The memorandum raised questions about the urgency behind the canal issue, emphasizing that the Satluj, Beas, and Ravi are international rivers, and Punjab is the only state sharing borders with these rivers. The farmers accused the central government of repeatedly attempting to sign non-constitutional agreements related to water-sharing, which they consider an infringement on their rights.

The central team’s visit has been met with skepticism among Punjab’s farmers, who believe that the central government is overstepping its boundaries by intervening in matters that should be dealt with at the state level. They stress the need for a fair and constitutional resolution that considers the interests of all states involved.
The farmers urged the central government to reconsider the timing of the visit and to respect the sentiments of the people of Punjab.