Former Chief Minister and Leader of Opposition Bhupinder Singh Hooda said that the BJP-JJP government has become so addicted to scams, that it has not spared even the farmer, who puts food on the table. He said farmers have victims of numerous scams under the present government, which include scams in crop purchase, compensation, crop insurance and FPO.
Farmers told Hooda, who was visiting Bhiwani today, that not only are there scams in crop insurance compensation, but there is also discrimination against farmers in allotment. The government gives compensation only to its favourite few people, and the remaining lakhs of farmers keep looking at the government and agencies, but don’t get any help.

Hooda had reached Bhiwani today to condole the demise of Shri Bhale Ram ji, father of MP Dharamveer Singh. He also reached the house of deceased artist Shri Harish Kumar, who played the role of Hanuman in Ramleela and met his family members. He expressed grief over the demise of Harish Kumar and consoled the family on the tragic loss.

After this, while answering the questions of journalists, Hooda said this time the government has deliberately deprived about 3 lakh farmers of 7 districts, falling in Cluster-2, from crop insurance. “The government did not hand over the responsibility to any company to insure the districts of Ambala, Karnal, Sonipat, Hisar, Jind, Mahendragarh and Gurugram of Cluster-2. In such a situation, if there is any loss to the crops of mustard, wheat, barley and sunflower, there will be no one to compensate for it. Last time also there was no insurance company in Cluster-2 for Kharif crop. Whereas by July 2023, the premium amount was deducted from the accounts of about 2 lakh farmers,” he pointed out.

Hooda raised the demand for investigation of scam and discrimination in compensation allocation and providing insurance cover to the farmers of Cluster-2. He also once again welcomed the CBI investigation into the FPO scam.

He said that a scam worth hundreds of crores has taken place with farmers in the name of FPO. “Fake FPOs were created in the name of fake farmers, to grab crores of Rupees. The money which should have been used for the upliftment of farmers, went straight into the pockets of scammers. Instead of giving up to 85% subsidy given by the government on drip irrigation to the farmers, the scammers took it away,” he said.

“The scam took place on such a large scale in the entire state that the matter reached the Central Government, but BJP-JJP left no stone unturned to mislead the central government. In the name of CID investigation, the entire scam was whitewashed and the culprits were saved. The Central Government itself did not trust the investigation of the State Government, and has asked the CBI to investigate the entire matter,” he said.