Bollywood actor Fardeen Khan took to his official Instagram handle and shared a new picture to express his gratitude towards fans and followers for showering him with love and kind words. The actor penned a sweet message too. He shared a new picture of himself. Along with the picture, he wrote, “Thank you all for the overwhelming support and positivity on my recent post! Your kind words and encouragement is fuel for me. I’m truly grateful for each and every one of you. Keep spreading the love and let’s continue to uplift each other. Stay awesome! #grateful #positivevibes #thankyou.”

Reacting to his Instagram post, Bobby Deol shared raise hands and fire emojis. Dia Mirza dropped love, tiger, and hug emojis. Esha Deol commented, “Hottest.” On the other hand,  Riteish Deshmukh wrote, “Awesomeeeeee!!!”

One of the fans also commented, “God gifted u are, one of the best handsome hero of Bollywood ..Love dear.” Another wrote, “All time fav.” A third fan wrote, “Looking fabulous.”

Recently, the actor was asked about his comeback. The paparazzi asked, “ir aapko big screen pe jaldi dekhna hai wapas se. Aa rahe ho na sir wapas?” Reacting to paps’ question, Fardeen Khan said, “Ji haan.” He was last seen in Dulha Mil Gaya in 2010. Now, the actor is ready to amaze his fans and followers with his comeback film, Visfot.