On Thrusday, Delhi’s Patiala House Court extended police custody of Deepak alias Boxer for further two days in connection with the fake passport case. After eight days on detention, the Delhi Police Special Cell released him.
After being deported from Mexico, he was detained by Delhi Police. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Delhi Police collaborated on the operation. The police remand was prolonged by Chief Metropolitan Magistrate (CMM) Snigdha Sarvaria for an additional two days.
The investigation officer (IO) testified in court that the accused had come face-to-face with Vijay Mann and Rohit alias Moi during his detention. On Tuesday, both were placed on remand. They are now in the custody of the court.
According to the Delhi Police, Dinesh Mathur alias Karala must be confronted by Deepak Pahal alias Boxer regarding the money utilised in the alleged crime of fleeing India. In another case, a judge has taken custody of Dinesh Mathur.
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Kate later took to Instagram to share that her cancer was in remission.