Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis commended Union Minister Nitin Gadkari as an innovative and visionary leader during the launch of Gadkari’s biopic in Nagpur. The film, produced by AM Cinema and directed by Anurag Bhusari, portrays the life and achievements of the Union Minister for Roads, Transport, and Highways. Fadnavis described Gadkari as an inspiration for party workers, highlighting his association with Gadkari since a young age and his admiration for Gadkari’s constructive work. Both Gadkari and Fadnavis hail from Nagpur, with Gadkari representing the Nagpur Lok Sabha seat and Fadnavis representing Nagpur South West Assembly Constituency.
Fadnavis also praised Gadkari’s groundbreaking work on projects like the Mumbai-Pune Expressway, emphasizing the cost-effective approach and efficiency Gadkari demonstrated in its execution. He also acknowledged Gadkari’s leadership in mega infrastructure projects like the Atal Tunnel, which have transformed their respective regions. In a lighthearted remark, Fadnavis noted that when presenting before Gadkari, contractors and architects need to be exceptionally mindful, as he subjects their work to keen scrutiny and encourages fresh concepts. Gadkari’s diligent pursuit of his projects is an enduring source of inspiration for future generations.
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