Deputy Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Devendra Fadnavis, took a swipe at the Congress during a public meeting in Pipla village, Chhindwara district. Accusing the Congress of being against ‘Sanatan,’ Fadnavis claimed that the party dismisses Lord Ram as mythical and Shri Ram Setu as non-existent, only to adopt a devout Hindu stance as elections approach.
Fadnavis asserted that the Congress lacks a developmental vision and, as a result, cannot effectively carry out progress. He emphasized the significance of the upcoming election, stating that the state’s future hinges on its outcome. Fadnavis expressed confidence that the continuation of the double-engine government in the state will ensure the ongoing development of Madhya Pradesh. He criticized the Kamal Nath government, alleging that during its 15-month tenure, the state’s progress was impeded, and only scams proliferated.
In another public meeting in Pandhurna town, Chhindwara district, Fadnavis highlighted the BJP government’s contribution to Pandhurna. He emphasized that the BJP government bestowed district status upon Pandhurna, facilitating direct fund transfers to the town rather than routing them through Chhindwara.
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