For months, the resurrected Sunder Nagar Nursery has been drawing people every weekend because of The Earth Collective’s organic bazaar. It has a permanent attraction now. Fabcafe, a Fabindia venture led by one of the city’s leading caterers, Sunil Chauhan, has opened by the artificial lake in one far corner of the 90-acre ‘heritage park’ complex.

Chauhan assures us that we can drive up to the restaurant by the lake (and even have a little party in our cars by ordering a Fabcafe tray). Bird lovers may even get to befriend one of the 80 avian species who have found a home in the sprawling nursery complex. The lure of the outdoors and the company of the artificial lake, luxuriant plant life and friendly birds, however, aren’t the only reasons why Fabcafe has guests queuing up even on weekdays.

It is Fabcafe’s distinctive ‘healthy dining’ menu that draws people to the newest outlet of the health food chain, which has expanded to 15 cities with 20 restaurants (three more have been added in Delhi-Gurgaon even as the hospitality business in the city battles the Covid-19 pandemic). Fabcafe has succeeded in popularising alternative healthy ingredients such as mixed grains, jaggery, desi ghee and almond milk—thus bringing all that talk about organic food closer home. The best-selling chocolate cakes at Fabcafe are made with almond flour, the much-loved momos come in jackfruit-flour wrappers and beetroot replaces potatoes in the Tikki Chaat.

Says Chauhan: “There is a healthy filter to every dish—from biryanis to desserts. Fabcafe has also launched new delights that include sliders, vegan pizzas and coconut curry.” Add a dollop of nature to this delicious healthy mix—and you have quite an experience awaiting you at the Fabcafe at Sunder Nursery.