Manish Sisodia, the deputy chief minister of Delhi, had his bank locker in the Ghaziabad region of Uttar Pradesh searched by CBI agents on Monday, days after the agency’s team had arrived at his residence in Delhi over a dispute over the excise policy. The AAP politician and his wife were seen in bank footage on TV programmes.

He had posted in Hindi on Monday that the CBI would be visiting our bank locker. During the 14-hour search of my home on August 19, nothing was discovered. “The locker will not contain anything, either. CBI, welcome. The AAP leader continued, My family and I will completely participate in the probe.”

In an article with a video, the AAP politician was seen standing at the Punjab National Bank’s Ghaziabad branch while employees examined his locker.

After MLAs from the BJP and AAP protested overnight at the Delhi Assembly, the CBI has stepped up its investigation. AAP MLAs demanded an investigation into Lt. Governor Vinai Kumar Saxena, while BJP leaders demanded that Sisodia resign. Aap MLAs did this because they believe Saxena is corrupt.

Leaders could be seen yelling slogans as videos were posted on social media, capturing the heightened atmosphere. The BJP leaders who had been asked to leave the Delhi assembly earlier in the day were among those who protested. During the proceedings, the BJP lawmakers made it to the house as well. Arvind Kejriwal, the chief minister of Delhi, was about to make the motion of confidence when deputy assembly speaker Rakhi Birla ordered him to leave the chamber.

Furthermore, Sisodia has been alleging the BJP of luring him to be the CM and breaking away from the party in exchange.