Sanjay Singh, the senior leader of the Aam Aadmi Party, filed a regular bail request in a money laundering case involving an alleged Delhi excise policy scam. On Monday, the Delhi High Court sent notice to the Enforcement Directorate (ED). On October 4, 2023, Sanjay Singh was taken into custody by the Enforcement Directorate in connection with the case. The bench led by Justice Swarna Kanta Sharma set January 29, 2023, as the next hearing date while awaiting an answer from ED.

Sanjay Singh through plea stated that he is neither an accused nor a suspect in a scheduled/predicate offence (CBI Offence), wherein, the investigation has been continuing since 17.8.2022 and despite 3 Charge-Sheets/ Supplementary Charge-Sheets having been filed, absolutely nothing has surfaced against him till date.
Bail Plea further stated that at the outset, the Applicant states that the Applicant is not guilty of any criminal wrongdoing or any violation of the provisions of the PMLA in any manner whatsoever and therefore, the Applicant’s life and liberty must be protected from unwarranted and unjustified encroachment at the hands of the DoE based on a false, malicious and motivated case without any merit.

The trial court denied his bail on December 22, 2023, stating, “The Court is of prima facie view that the case against him is genuine.” There is proof that he was involved in the alleged money laundering crime. It is reasonable to assume that he is responsible for the alleged money laundering offense.” “The evidence and material show involvement of the applicant in the commission of the alleged offence of money laundering because he is shown to have been, directly or indirectly, involved in the process or activities connected with proceeds of crime generated through the scheduled offences case of CBI,” stated Special Judge MK Nagpal in expressing his preliminary opinion.