Sanjay Singh, the leader of the Aam Aadmi Party, petitioned the trial court on Friday to be granted bail in a money laundering case involving suspected alcohol irregularities. His legal team has indicated that a hearing on the petition might take place on Saturday. On October 4, 2023, the Enforcement Directorate made Sanjay Singh an arrest in connection with the case. Sanjay Singh’s judicial custody was extended by Special Judge MK Nagpal on Friday until December 4, 2023.

Special Public Prosecutor Naveen Kumar Matta, representing the ED, informed the court during his appearance that the chargesheet (Supplementary Prosecution Complaint) will be filed in the case as soon as possible and within the allotted time frame. Singh was presented before the court as well following the conclusion of his judicial custody period. In response to Sanjay Singh’s appeal against the Delhi High Court’s decision to deny his request to be placed under arrest and placed on remand in connection with the alleged alcohol irregularities case, the Supreme Court has sent notice to the Enforcement Directorate.

The Supreme Court also kept open for the petitioner to file for regular bail, if so advised and made it clear that shall be considered on its own merits in accordance with the law without being influenced by the impugned judgment.
Recently Delhi High Court dismissed AAP leader and Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh challenging his remand and arrest in the alleged liquor irregularities case.
ED claimed that Singh and his associates played a part in the Delhi government’s decision to give licenses to alcohol shops and merchants in 2020, causing losses to the state exchequer and violating anti-corruption laws.