In Rajasthan, the arrest warrant against former minister Ram Lal Jat in a Rs 5 crore fraud case is beginning to take effect. Meanwhile, to evade arrest in the fraud case, former minister Ram Lal Jat had filed a petition in the Rajasthan High Court. The case was scheduled for hearing yesterday in Justice Yogendra Kumar Purohit’s court, but due to a shortage of time, the hearing could not take place. Now, January 4 has been given as the date of the hearing.
A case of fraud of Rs 5 crore was registered at the Kherwara police station against Ram Lal Jat. On the court’s order, an FIR was filed against Ram Lal Jat and 5 others on September 17. This case was registered on the complaint of a mining businessman from Rajsamand. Now, an appeal has been made by Ram Lal Jat in the High Court to dismiss the FIR and to stop the arrest.
On September 17, as per the orders of the Mandal (Bhilwara) court, the then station in-charge Om Prakash Gora had also filed an FIR at the Kherwara police station. The report included Puran Lal, son of Mannu Gurjar from Gyanagar, Suraj Jat from Antali Pratappura, Mahipal Singh from Antali, Ram Lal Jat from Pratappura, and Mahaveer Prasad, son of Ramswaroop Chaudhary from Pratappura. On the very next day of registering the report, SHO Om Prakash was transferred. His transfer was also related to this case and remained a subject of discussion.
The victim, Parmeshwar, alleges that when he did not receive money, he protested. Upset by this, the former minister threatened him, saying that he held the position of Revenue Minister. Subsequently, on June 17, 2022, labourers working in the mines fled in fear. After this, Parmeshwar filed a complaint at the Kherwara police station, but his case was not registered. Following this, Parmeshwar had to seek the court’s help.
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