In the Indian state of Himachal Pradesh, 22% of all road accidents between 2017 and 2022 occurred during the evening hours of 6 to 9 pm, as revealed by the local police data.
The timing coincides with the period when most officegoers are returning home, prompting authorities to encourage commuters to drive cautiously, reminding them that their loved ones are waiting.
A total of 6,530 people lost their lives in 16,330 road accidents over the same five-year period. In addition, 26,600 individuals were injured in these incidents. Director-General of Police Sanjay Kundu stated that their goal is to reduce the number of accidents and fatalities to below the national average, which is currently at 29.30 and 10.93 per lakh, respectively, as per the Union Ministry of Road Transport and Highways data from 2021.
Kundu also noted that 52% of fatalities involved individuals aged 21 to 40. He advised officegoers to exercise caution and maintain composure while driving home.
To minimise accidents, the Himachal Pradesh Police are implementing evidence-based predictive policing, correlation analysis, and optimal resource utilisation. Authorities are deploying police forces at high-risk locations during peak hours and fining traffic violators accordingly.