On Thursday, the Lok Sabha’s Ethics Committee will meet for the first time to discuss the “Cash for Query” charge brought against TMC MP Mahua Moitra. The Committee will hear oral testimony from BJP MP Nishikant Dubey and advocate Jai Anant Dehadrai regarding Dubey’s complaint against TMC MP Mahua Moitra, which claims that Moitra has “a direct involvement in the ‘cash for query’ scam in Parliament.”
The Lok Sabha Ethics Committee is headed by the BJP MP Vinod Kumar Sonkar and includes Vishnu Datt Sharma, Sumedhanand Saraswati, Aparajita Sarangi, Rajdeep Roy, Sunita Duggal, and Subhash Bhamre of the BJP; Ve Vaithilingam, N Uttam Kumar Reddy, and Preneet Kaur of the Congress ; Balashowry Vallabbhaneni (YSRCP); Hemant Godse (Shiv Sena); Giridhari Yadav (JD-U); P R Natarajan (CPI-M); and Kunwar Danish Ali (BSP).
“Oral Evidence of Jai Anant Dehadrai, Advocate, in respect of a complaint dated October 15, 2023, given by Nishikant Dubey, MP against Mahua Moitra, MP for alleged direct involvement in cash for query in Parliament. Oral evidence of Nishikant Dubey, MP, in respect of complaint dated October 15, 2023 given by him against Mahua Moitra, MP for alleged direct involvement in cash for query in Parliament,” the panel’s schedule for Thursday said.
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