Bollywood diva Esha Gupta often takes the social media platform by storm with her racy photo shoots in bikinis and unconventional attires. Speaking of which, she took to her official Instagram handle and shared a sexy video of her in a white saree.
Have a look
Earlier, this year, the diva made headlines for her risque outfit at the Cannes 2023 red carpet. She dazzled in a very sexy and plunging white gown with a thigh-high slit as she arrived on the red carpet of the Cannes 2023 Film Festival. The talented actress completed her look with a white ring and a pair of earrings from the Fred Parish jewellery line. Her hair was wrapped in a bun with a few loose strands hanging down from either side of her face, and she had very minimal makeup on. Esha looked stunning as she flaunted her cleavage in the sexy gown. She styled her hair in loose, tousled beach waves and went for nude makeup.
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