Dharmendra’s kiss with co-star Shabana Azmi in Karan Johar’s directorial Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani was much talked about. In a recent interview with Zoom, the actress opened up about the much-hyped scene said, “There is a barrier or age for love or kissing—who said so”. Calling him the ‘coolest’, the actress further adds, “He is so handsome. Papa, by nature, is very romantic; he will do his shayari and everything.”

Further, she shares, “he has always been that way. Shabana ji is fantastic, and I have a huge soft corner for Jaya aunty. Karan Johar is amazing, it was shot beautifully, and they are all professional actors.”

On the work front, the actress was last seen in Amazon Mini TV’s web-series, Hunter: Tootega Nahi Todega, she was also seen in Rudra: The Edge of Darkness, a series that also stars Ajay Devgn and Raashii Khanna. Also, her short film Ek Duaa got a special mention in the category of non-feature films at the 69th National Film Awards.



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