Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal has asked officials to create more Covid facilities and increase the strength of oxygen beds across Delhi. He also asked officials to ensure real-time availability of beds on the Delhi Corona app and that the information on the number of beds is exact.
The CM held a review meeting on Friday on the situation of coronavirus in Delhi. CM Kejriwal said that there should be multiple assistance numbers in the hospitals and nodal persons should be appointed at every helpline number so that no urgent calls are be missed or turned down. He also said that the health teams must reach out to every patient in home isolation and provide oximeters. According to an official release, the Chief Minister said that the focus of the Delhi government is towards increasing the bed capacity, which will ensure adequate treatment for the people who require urgent assistance. He said that the Delhi government should provide oxygen beds to every patient who is in need, for which more Covid facilities and hospital beds are required. The CM said that all the helpline numbers of the hospitals, which are also mentioned on the Delhi Corona app, should remain fully functional. He also said that people in home isolation should be provided with all assistance possible.
“Delhi’s home isolation system is the best in the country, and we must continue to set an example. Our health teams should reach out to every patient who is under home isolation, and provide oximeters. The public should receive all help while we are suggesting more and more patients to prefer home isolation if they have mild or no symptoms,” Kejriwal said.
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