Elon Musk, Twitter’s new owner, announced on Friday that the social media giant will launch its ‘Verified’ verification feature on December 2, i.e. Friday.

The billionaire announced the subscription plans for businesses, governments, and individuals on Twitter.
“Sorry for the delay, we’re tentatively launching Verified on Friday next week. Gold check for companies, grey check for government, blue for individuals (celebrity or not) and all verified accounts will be manually authenticated before check activates. Painful, but necessary”, he tweeted.

The company had paused its recently announced $8 blue check subscription service due to the proliferation of fake accounts, and had stated that the sought-after blue check subscription service would be relaunched on Nov. 29.

Previously, the coveted blue check mark was reserved for verified accounts of politicians, celebrities, journalists, and other public figures.

Since assuming control of the social media platform, the 51-year-old tycoon has implemented significant changes. Musk has fired at least 75% of the workforce since firing top executives such as CEO Parag Agarwal.