Elon Musk recently delighted his followers with a nostalgic throwback on X, posting a heartwarming collage that has quickly garnered attention. The collage features a childhood picture of Musk enjoying an ice cream, alongside a current photo of the 52-year-old billionaire indulging in the same treat. In both images, Musk radiates happiness and cheerfulness, reminding everyone of the simple joys in life.

Captioning the tweet, “Ice cream is an amazing invention,” Musk’s post has resonated with fans, who have praised the playful and relatable side of the tech mogul. The tweet serves as a charming reminder that no matter how much success one achieves, the pleasures of a childhood favourite like ice cream remain timeless. This endearing glimpse into Musk’s past and present underscores the universal joy of savouring sweet moments, both literally and figuratively.