The Election Department has released the latest rates for the seizure of vehicles in connection with the upcoming Legislative Assembly elections and Lok Sabha general elections. According to the latest rates, compared to the seizure rates of vehicles in the previous Legislative Assembly and Lok Sabha general elections, there has been an increase of up to 20 per cent. Chief Election Officer Praveen Gupta said that during elections, the process of vehicle seizure is carried out by district election officials for various activities.
Gupta explained that according to the latest rates for vehicle seizure, the categories of contract carriage buses have been set at Rs. 1750 per day for buses with 25 seats, Rs. 2400 per day for buses with 35 seats, and Rs. 3000 for buses with 36 or more seats. Similarly, for stage carriage buses, the rates are Rs. 1450, Rs. 1800, and Rs. 2225 per day, respectively.
The department has determined rates of Rs. 1750 per day for contract mini-buses, Rs. 330 per day for auto-rickshaws, Rs. 1100 for taxis (Indica, Ambassador), Rs. 1625 for taxis (Innova), and Rs. 1325 per day for Bolero and similar vehicles. Likewise, for various vehicles in the truck category, the rates are Rs. 960, Rs. 1200, and Rs. 1450, while for cranes and JCBs, the rate is set at Rs. 4200 per day.