New Delhi: While actor Eijaz Khan has been creating a lot of buzz inside the Bigg Boss house, he’s also been impressing his fans outside. The talented actor has just had a song release, which has been garnering rave reviews. The track, ‘Banjaran’, features Eijaz and Sheen Das as protagonists. The song has been written, composed and sung by Gami and arranged by Ranjit Barot.
A soft number, ‘Banjaran’ is a love song that showcases Eijaz in a traditional wedding set-up.
“Banjaran is a beautiful song with an amazing storyline. I had a great time associating with it. It’s an organic number and the way the music video was planned was very relatable. I enjoy love stories and there was something very touching about this one. I’m glad the audience is enjoying it as much as I am,” says Eijaz.
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