The Enforcement Directorate conducted raids on premises associated with former Indian National Lok Dal (INLD) MLA Dilbag Singh, uncovering a cache of illegal foreign-made arms, 300 bullets, over 100 liquor bottles, 5 crore in cash, 4/5 kg bullion, and various other materials. The search extended to several properties owned by Dilbag Singh and his associates, both in India and abroad, revealing further evidence, as stated by the Enforcement Directorate.
Simultaneously, the Enforcement Directorate also targeted the premises linked to Haryana Congress MLA Surinder Panwar, as well as the aforementioned former INLD legislator Dilbag Singh. These searches were part of an ongoing investigation into an illegal mining case.
The extensive search operation covered 20 locations across Haryana, including Yamuna Nagar, Sonipat, Mohali, Faridabad, Chandigarh, and Karnal. The focus of the raids was to gather evidence related to the alleged illegal mining activities, leading to the discovery of significant assets and materials. The Enforcement Directorate remains actively engaged in uncovering and addressing potential violations in this case.