The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Monday grilled actress Rhea Chakraborty along with her brother Showik and father Indrajit Chakraborty for over 10 hours in a money laundering case registered against her after the death of her boyfriend actor Sushant Singh Rajput. Earlier, the agency had quizzed the actress for eight and a half hours on 7 August and her brother for 18 hours on Saturday in the same case.

 Rhea, Showik and Indrajit arrived at the ED’s office in Mumbai at 10.45 am on 10 August and left the place by 9 pm after interrogations. During this, ED officials questioned Rhea about her investments, Sushant’s investments, various sudden cash flows that happened in two accounts of Rhea, the Khar Property and source of finance for the same. The officials found many discrepancies in Rhea’s claims and documentation to support them.

Meanwhile, Showik and father Indrajit Chakrobarthy were also quizzed but in different rooms. Showik was asked about money that was transferred from Sushant’s account while father was asked about the Ulwe property and also about directorship of one company that belonged to Rhea and Sushant. The officials also asked Rhea and her brother about the three companies which were started by both of them along with Sushant. Questions related to money flow, decision making in the company, etc, were also asked during the interrogation.

The ED is investigating the money laundering angle in Sushant’s death case after his father K.K. Singh filed an FIR against Rhea and 5 others in Patna. Meanwhile, the Sushant’s friend and producer Sandip Singh was also summoned by the agency in the same case after finding a transaction between the late actor and the producer’s bank accounts.