The Enforcement Directorate on Thursday attached three immovable properties belonging to Sri Lankan nationals worth Rs 33.7 lakh in Thiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu, in connection with a money laundering case.
As per the ED, it has attached one bungalow on East Coast Road (ECR) and two agricultural lands which were owned by Sri Lankan nationals, Gunasekaran alias Perama Kumar and his son Dileep alias Thileep. “ED has attached three immovable properties—1 bungalow on ECR and 2 agricultural lands in Thiruvannamalai District owned by Sri Lankan nationals Gunasekaran @ Perama Kumar, his son Dileep @ Thileep, amounting to Rs 33.7 lakh in relation to a money laundering case,” the ED said in a tweet.
This followed the issuance of a provisional order for the attachment of a bungalow on ECR in Tamil Nadu under the criminal sections of the PMLA. As per the ED, Gunasekaran and some others were declared guilty by a special court in Tamil Nadu in 2011 in a drug trafficking case. However, they ‘changed their identity and generated proceeds of crime’ soon after the completion of their prison term.
It further said that the accused duo of father and son used fake ID cards over a period of time and allegedly stayed illegally in India.