Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde on Thursday said the Election Commission of India (ECI) is an independent body which takes decisions on merit, and his government has been formed under the rules.
Shinde’s statement comes after Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) chief Sharad Pawar alleged that the BJP misused its power to influence the Election Commission’s decision on the Shiv Sena name and symbol. “Election Commission is an independent body which takes decisions on merit. Our government has been formed under the rules,” said Shinde. Pawar criticised the EC’s decision to allot the Shiv Sena name and ‘bow and arrow’ symbol to Shinde’s faction, terming it an example of “misuse of power” by the BJP.
“Election Commission gave a decision a few days ago. This is an example of how an institution can be misused. We’ve never seen such a decision by EC.