The Election Commission of India (ECI) showcased the remote electronic voting machine prototype from migrant voters to representatives of political parties.  The Election Commission called the chairpersons, presidents and general secretaries of the national parties to demonstrate the functioning of the multi-constituency prototype Remate EVM.

To encourage domestic migrants to exercise their right to vote, the ECI informed about a prototype called the Multi-Constituency Remote Electronic Voting Machine (RVM) ON 29th December 2022, which will enable them to vote from remote polling stations. It said that the inability to vote due to internal migration is one of the prominent reasons behind low voter turnout.

“Migration-based disfranchisement is indeed not an option in the age of technological advancement. The voter turnout in General Elections 2019 was 67.7% and the Election Commission of India is concerned about the issue of over 20 crore electors not exercising their franchise and also differential voter turnout in various States/UTS”, the ECI said in a statement.