The Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) Surinder Bansal of Firozpur City was arrested on Wednesday, accused of taking seven lakh rupees to manipulate a case. The action was taken after allegations emerged that Bansal, along with his agent Gurmej Singh, residing in Kothi Rai Sahib, was involved in accepting bribes from people.
ASP Randhir Kumar revealed that information was received about the corruption involving DSP Surinder Bansal from Firozpur City. His agent, Gurmej Singh, residing in Kothi Rai Sahib, was engaged in accepting bribes from people. Earlier this year, on May 10, Gurmej was accused of cheating at the Cantt police station. The DSP had falsely implicated Gurmej, portraying him as innocent and closing the case by taking money.
Gurmej had taken 15,000 rupees to dismiss the case filed by Tarzan from Doliyan Wala Mohalla. The money was collected for the DSP. Gurmej was involved in various illicit activities. The case filed by Tarzan was not pursued. There were extensive conversations between Tarzan and Gurmej on mobile phones, and the audio recordings of these conversations are with the police. The name of the DSP is also mentioned in these recordings.
Gurmej transferred a sum of five lakh rupees online to a mobile number. This mobile number is registered in the name of DSP Surinder Bansal. Besides, some more money has been transferred to the DSP’s account. The total amount is approximately seven lakh rupees. According to police sources, DSP Surinder Bansal was arrested on Wednesday morning from his residence in Firozpur Officer Colony. He was then taken to Ludhiana for further investigation. The police conducted a search there as well.