Under the Drug-Free India campaign, a poignant memorial dedicated to Shaheed Bhagat Singh was unveiled in his ancestral village, Khattak Kalan. The event, which saw a significant turnout of school children, featured an inauguration ceremony attended by Navjot Pal Singh Randhawa, Deputy Commissioner of Nawanshahr, and Dr. Akhil Choudhary, SSP Nawanshahr.
During the gathering, the officials passionately urged the students to steer clear of the perils of drug abuse. They took the opportunity to commend the creative efforts of the students who, as a symbolic gesture, crafted an impressive rangoli spanning an area of 2800 square feet. The intricate artwork paid homage to the sacrifices of martyrs and freedom fighters.
The creation of this monumental rangoli was a collaborative effort that spanned five days, and an inspiring student contributed 50,000 rupees from their own pocket to bring the vision to life.
In addition to celebrating the artistic achievement, the gathering shed light on the devastating impact of drug abuse on Punjab’s history. The Azad Manch emphasized the need for collective action to counteract the challenges posed by narcotics in the region. During the event, Deputy Commissioner Navjot Pal Singh Randhawa and SSP Dr. Akhil Choudhary announced a helpline initiated by Nawanshahr police. This helpline aims to facilitate the reporting of information related to drug trafficking, further emphasizing the community’s role in the fight against drugs.
As a gesture of recognition, the young artist responsible for the rangoli was honored by NSS Nawanshahr. Additionally, a remarkable display of strength and determination captivated the audience when a young girl showcased her ability to pull a bus using only her teeth.