The Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) on Wednesday arrested a person with drugs at Mumbai International Airport and recovered 16 kg of high-quality heroin drugs. The value of the seized drugs is being said to be more than Rs 80 crores in the international market. The arrested accused has been identified as Binu John, a resident of Kerala.
On the basis of the information received by the DRI, as the accused reached the airport, he was detained, searched, and his luggage was checked.
After his luggage was checked, nothing was found at that time. Only then was his trolley bag checked thoroughly and drugs were recovered in the fake cavity.
The DRI registered a case under the NDPS Act and arrested him.
The accused drug peddler, John, told the DRI that a foreign national had given him one thousand US dollars as a commission to take him to India. The accused also disclosed the names of other associates,
DRI is now probing these names, DRI is also now finding out whether John was involved in the smuggling of drugs in India earlier also.