Bollywood actor Ayushmann Khurrana is back with ‘Dream Girl 2’. Recently the actor took to his official Instagram handle and shared an intriguing teaser. Sharing the video, the actor wrote, “Pooja ek tyohaar hai, pachees ko iss baar hai! Your @pooja)_ _ _ dreamgirl arrives with a Rockying surprise on 25th July. #DreamGirl2 in Cinemas on 25th August 2023.”

Watch Teaser Below

Reacting to his post, one of the Instagram users wrote, “Can’t wait for this DreamGirl.” Another wrote, “Dream Girl 2 is the film to wait for!” A third user wrote, “Waiting eagerly.” A fourth user wrote, “We can’t wait for your look Pooja. This is so exciting.” Another commented, “What a star!!! Such versatility.”

The film stars Ayushmann Khurrana, Ananya Panday, Paresh Rawal, Rajpal Yadav, Asrani Saab, Manoj Joshi, Seema Pahwa, Annu Kapoor, Vijay Raaz, Manjot Singh, and Abhishek Banerjee. It will release on August 25, 2023. Raaj Shaandilyaa’s directorial revolved around Karam who is good at impersonating the female voice. To earn money, he takes a job at a call centre and uses his female voice to talk to his client. Later, his situation turns upside down when his popularity as Pooja grows.



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