Indian aviator Gopichand Thotakura is set to make history as the first Indian space tourist on Sunday, joining Blue Origin’s NS-25 mission to the Kármán line and back. The Kármán line, marking the boundary of space, sits 100 kilometers above sea level.

You can catch the launch live at 7 pm IST on Blue Origin’s social media platforms. The event will be streamed 40 minutes before liftoff from Launch Site One in West Texas, USA.

Who is Gopichand Thotakura?

  1. Thotakura, a pilot since a young age, co-founded Preserve Life Corp, a wellness center near Atlanta International Airport.
  2. He has piloted medical jets internationally and flown various aircraft types, with over 2000 medical air ambulance missions under his belt.
  3. An adventurous spirit, he recently conquered Mt. Kilimanjaro and graduated from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.

Expressing his honor, Thotakura said, “It is an incredible honor to become India’s first civilian astronaut.” He aims to inspire future generations in space exploration and STEAM education.

Accompanying Thotakura are notable figures like Mason Angel, Sylvain Chiron, Kenneth L. Hess, Carol Schaller, and Ed Dwight, marking Blue Origin’s 25th mission in human flight history.