Trials of the Made-in-India enhanced Pinaka Rockets were successfully conducted at Balasore and Pokhran over the past few weeks, Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) officials said on Monday.
The manufacturers of the system—Munitions India Ltd and Economic Explosives Limited—met user requirements at the trials’ completion, the DRDO said today. The officials further said that this is a further step in the direction of the ‘Make in India’ initiative of the government in the defence sector.
“The user trials of the DRDO-developed Range Pinka rockets were conducted at Balasore and Pokharan over the past few weeks. In a success for Make in India in defence, the manufacturers, including Munitions India Ltd and Economic Explosives Ltd, met the user requirements at the completion of the trials,” the defence officials said. Earlier this May, DRDO also confirmed the trials of the Advanced Towed Artillery Gun System (ATAGS) were being successfully conducted at Pokhran Field Firing Range (PFFR).