Dr. Subhash Sharma, BJP’s State Vice President and candidate for the Sri Anandpur Sahib Lok Sabha constituency, embarked on his election campaign with a profound gesture of reverence. Today, he paid homage at Takht Sri Kesgarh Sahib and Mata Naina Devi Temple, marking the inauguration of his electoral journey.
Imbued with the ethos of devotion and power inherent in this sacred land, Dr. Sharma vowed to draw inspiration from its spiritual heritage in his service to the community. He emphasized the foundational principles of democracy and expressed his steadfast belief in securing the opportunity to serve Guru Nagari, fuelled by the blessings of the Guru.
Dr. Sharma underscored the BJP’s ongoing efforts to disseminate awareness about the transformative policies of the Modi government. With an aura of confidence, he forecasted a resounding victory, envisioning triumph in all 13 seats in Punjab with an unprecedented majority.
Expressing gratitude for the privilege of representing the BJP in Guru Ki Nagri, Dr. Sharma offered prayers for the prosperity and development of Sri Anandpur Sahib and the wider Punjab region. He articulated his vision of elevating Sri Anandpur Sahib into a globally renowned tourist destination and advocated for the development of Mohali as an IT hub, akin to Bengaluru.
In response to queries from the media, Dr. Sharma delved into the historical significance of Sri Anandpur Sahib, emphasizing its pivotal role in Sikh history. He exuded confidence in the region’s potential for growth and prosperity, affirming his unwavering dedication to fostering progress and advancement, thus paving the way for a brighter future for its residents.