Ahead of the 2022 Assembly elections, Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Friday launched the “Mera Parivaar-BJP Parivaar” membership drive in Uttar Pradesh’s Lucknow. Speaking at the occasion, the Home Minister said that Uttar Pradesh was witnessing rapid strides under the “double engine” government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the Centre and Chief Minister Yogi Adiyanath in the state and has emerged as the second-largest economy in the country from the seventh place before 2017.
The Home Minister said the party has proved that its governments work for the poorest of the poor. “Before 2017, Uttar Pradesh was the seventh-largest economy of the country. Today, under the double engine government of Modiji and Yogiji, Uttar Pradesh has become the second economy of the country. Akhilesh babu’s state budget was Rs 10 lakh crore. Yogiji has kept an interim budget of Rs 21.31 lakh crore,” he said.
Shah alleged that Samajwadi Party, BSP, Congress had destroyed the identity of Uttar Pradesh.
He said the governments led by PM Modi and the state Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath have given the state a new identity by tackling corruption, crime and casteism. The BJP has proved that governments “are not for a family” and the resolve is to work for the progress of the poorest.
“People who were sitting at home for the last five years are coming out thinking their government will be formed. I want Akhilesh Yadav to tell the people of Uttar Pradesh that for how many days he was staying abroad. Where was he during the Covid and floods? They only worked for their family,” he said.
The Union Minister said there was forced migration from parts of Uttar Pradesh during the rule of non-BJP parties and those responsible for it have themselves migrated now.
“Today no forced migration takes place from Uttar Pradesh. Those responsible for it have themselves migrated. Today there are no Bahubalis. This change is because of the BJP government,” he said.
Shah also said, “If you want to make Modi PM again in 2024, make Yogi the CM again in 2022. We will make UP the number one state. Without UP there cannot be a government at the Centre and the credit of the Narendra Modi governments in 2014 and 2019 goes completely to people of Uttar Pradesh.” The Union Home Minister said that the BJP government had fulfilled 90% of promises made in the 2017 manifesto and the remaining 10% would also be completed by Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath in the next two months.
“Today I can proudly say that Yogi ji and his team have fulfilled 90 per cent of the promises that we made in our 2017 manifesto. I want to say to Yogi ji to march towards 100 per cent target in upcoming months so that people can believe that BJP fulfils whatever it says,” said the Home Minister.
Shah further expressed confidence that the BJP would cross the mark of 300 seats in 2022 and Adityanath would return to power.
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