West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Tuesday urged people not to trust the BJP alleging it shows “false dreams” and makes “false promises”. She was addressing a public meeting at Kashipur in Purulia.
Banerjee said, “They give a big one-page advertisement. We will do this, we will do that. What false dreams you are showing! Have you paid Rs 15 lakh in everyone’s account? Do not trust the BJP. They only make false promises. They are a party of traitors and Mir Zafars. They are a party of monsters and bandits. They are not a party of poor people.” Mentioning the welfare schemes for tribals, She said, “In Jharkhand, the BJP government took away land rights from tribals. But our government has restored the land rights of tribals. They broke the idol of Bir Kanhu. They also broke the idol of Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar.”
The CM said that her government has reduced unemployment by 50 per cent and will reduce it further by another 50 per cent.
On the water issue, the chief minister said, “The JICA water project is delayed. According to the agreement of the West Bengal Government and Japan, it was to be completed in two years. But there has been a delay from Japan. And, if the JICA water project is completed within a year, then 8 lakh people in five blocks and Purulia municipality area will get water connection by March 2022.”
The BJP and the Trinamool Congress (TMC) are at loggerheads in poll-bound West Bengal. The top leadership of the BJP has been holding public meetings and roadshows across the state in recent months.
Elections to the 294-member state Assembly will be held in eight phases starting from 27 March with the final round of voting taking place on 29 April. The counting of votes will take place on 2 May.