Taking cognisance to PILs filed in concern with the Telangana government’s inefficiency to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic, the High Court on Monday directed six top officials, including the Chief Secretary, to appear before it on 28 July. Expressing dissatisfaction over the state government not enforcing its orders, the court has given an “ultimatum”.
The court directed the state Chief Secretary and Principal Secretaries of the medical, health and municipal administration departments to appear before it on 28 July. It ruled that the government was misleading the public through the media and the report submitted regarding testing numbers was vague, while observing that the government had “no respect” for court orders. The court directed the government to submit all information on all the government and private Covid-19 designated hospitals with regard to availability of beds, ventilators, oxygen beds. It also directed the district collectors to publicise local cases on a daily basis. The court also pointed out that Telangana is far behind in the conduct of tests compared to states like Andhra Pradesh. It questions the government why no rapid testing is being done. It has asked the government to publicise the WhatsApp numbers for Covid-19 related complaints and respond to them. The Court passed these directions on hearing a batch of PILs seeking directions to the state government to provide required medical equipment, medicines and trained staff to the designated Covid-19 hospitals and to take steps to contain further spread of Covid-19.