SINGRAULI (MP): Delhi Chief Minister and Aam Aadmi Party national convener Arvind Kejriwal, who on Thursday skipped a summon by the Enforcement Directorate in a money laundering case linked to the alleged excise policy scam, held a roadshow in Waidhan. The Delhi chief minister urged the people of Madhya Pradesh to vote for his party in the coming Assembly polls and said that he was not sure whether he would be in jail or out when the results are declared, but expected the people to show faith in AAP like they did in Delhi and Punjab. Kejriwal said that he can be arrested, but not his thoughts.“Just like the people of Delhi and Punjab voted for the AAP, the people of Madhya Pradesh will also do the same in the coming days. I don’t know whether I will be in jail or somewhere else on the day of counting, but everyone should say that Arvind Kejriwal came to Singrauli and we gave him a historic victory,” AAP national convenor said while addressing a roadshow in Waidhan. Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann also accompanied Arvind Kejriwal in the roadshow held at Waidhan in MP’s Singrauli district. Madhya Pradesh is one of the five states set to hold elections this year. The state is scheduled to undergo polls in one phase on November 17 and the counting of votes will take place on December 3.
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