On the platform of India News, the Department of Information and Technology explained its role in the government’s vision document Mission-2030. Officials say that suggestions are being sought from the people of the state for the vision document of the Rajasthan government. In such a situation, online suggestions are being taken through DOIT. DoIT’s Sweety Ramnani and Umang Purohit said that the DOIT officials are constantly keeping an eye on the portal to ensure that there is no problem on the portal.
During this, Ramnani also discussed in detail the schemes related to the department. She said, “The schemes of the state government have been strengthened through DOIT. If the government repeats it will be on the strength of schemes. The Congress government has entrusted a big responsibility to DoIT, from distributing mobile phones to reaching out to the public. The objective of the department is to support the plans and visions of the government.”
Great support to the Indira Gandhi Smart Phone Scheme
The Indira Gandhi Smart Phone Scheme is being successfully operated across the state with the help of the department. Smartphones have been distributed in the hands of a large number of women in the state with the help of DoIT.

I-Startup strengthened the youth
Officials said that the Startup Rajasthan scheme was started in the state to encourage the youth. In the world of startups, new entrepreneurship is being promoted in Rajasthan with the help of DOIT. The government is helping the youth to grow as entrepreneurs through schemes like I-Start.

Wildlife monitoring is being done through IT
The Rajasthan government has installed cameras in all the wildlife areas in the state to prevent any kind of illegal activity, hunting and smuggling of animals. DoIT has ensured the monitoring of all wildlife under this project.

Digital education brought a revolution
While talking about the COVID-19 period, Sweety and Umang said that after Corona, education is being promoted through digital media. They mentioned that the trend of smart classes has increased in the state and the department is doing revolutionary work in the field of education. Now education continues smoothly even in the absence of teachers.
Apart from this farmers are also getting benefits through various digital platforms like ‘Raj Kisan Sathi’, which provides information about all types of schemes related to agriculture-related education, and buying and selling of produce by getting themselves registered sitting at home.
The state government has solved the problems of the common people through the Rajasthan Sampark Portal. The public can apply on the portal in case of any problem. In addition to this, cameras have been installed in many cities through the Abhay Command Center to ensure women’s safety and the prevention of all crimes.