Jaipur witnessed a groundbreaking moment as, for the first time, a heart was brought to the city for transplantation. The medical team at Mahatma Gandhi Hospital, led by Dr. Murtaza Ahmad Chishti, successfully conducted a heart transplant, offering a new lease on life to Mohammad Jafar from Kota. The surgical procedure, lasting nearly 9 hours, resulted in the successful implantation of the donated heart into the recipient, who had previously undergone bypass surgery six months earlier.
An interesting facet of this transplantation was the logistical challenge posed by the unavailability of air ambulances in Jaipur due to ongoing VIP movement. Despite this hurdle, a green corridor was established on the road, facilitating the swift transportation of the heart to Jaipur within four hours.
The patient, Mohammad Jafar, is reported to be in good communication following the surgery.
The heart used in the transplant was voluntarily donated by the family of a 37-year-old brain-dead patient named Sushil Kumar from Sir Ganga Ram Hospital in Delhi. The heart was then transported to Mahatma Gandhi Hospital for the transplant.
The dedicated medical team included Dr Ashish Sharma, Cardiac Anesthesia Specialist Dr Saurabh Gupta, Dr Varun Chhabda, Dr Ashish Jain, Physiotherapist Pawan Gupta, Mohan Singh, Rajveer Mishra, OT Incharge Umesh, Narottam, Kusum, and three dozen other medical staff members who provided invaluable support.
The successful completion of the green corridor and transplantation-related procedures was made possible with the cooperation of Medical Superintendent Dr. R.C. Gupta, CEO Sukanta Das, and Transplant Coordinator Shashank, along with the assistance of notes and police support.