MUMBAI: as veteran actress Dimple Kapadia turns a year older on Tuesday, it’s time to revisit her debut film Bobby, co-starring Rishi Kapoor. The young Dimple wowed the audiences with her charm, innocence and sheer talent. However, not many people know that while filming Bobby Dimple was actually pregnant with her daughter, Twinkle Khanna. The story was first revealed by Rishi Kapoor in 2015 when he went on to pen a birthday wish for Twinkle Khanna on Twitter. The late actor said that Twinkle was actually in her mom’s “tummy” when he was shooting the romantic song “aksar Koi Ladka” with her. He had written, “Happy birthday dear one! You were in your mums tummy when i was serenading her in bobby’aksar koi Ladka’ in 1973 lol.” He also added that the song was shot much later when Dimple was three months pregnant. He wrote, “Kuch logon ko problem Kya hai? Kakaji and Dimple were married,bobby was still incomplete,we shot that song when Dimple was 3 months pregnant.”
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