In a video that has gone viral with social media, the collector of Bihar’s Lakhisarai can be seen admonishing the headmaster of a high school in the district for his casual dressing. In the video, the school principal is seen wearing a kurta and pyjama with a gamcha thrown around his neck and students can be seen in school uniforms with hands tucked in neatly.
The incident was reported in Lakhisarai where the District Collector Sanjay Kumar Singh during a surprise inspection can be seen telling the principal. “Do you look like a teacher in this dress? I thought you are some local public representative.”
The DM is later seen talking to somebody on phone, “Your headmaster is sitting in front of me wearing kurta and pyjama. He is not seen teaching students. His name is Nirbhay Kumar Singh.”
After the video of the incident went online, a barrage of comments trolled the DM for his comments on the dress.
Meanwhile, the District Education Officer (DEO) clarified that teachers wearing a kurta-pyjama was not a big issue. “We have given show-cause notice to the teacher and warned him. We have not suspended him. This is not a big issue, mostly teachers wear dhoti kurta or pyjama kurta,” District Education Officer (DEO), Vimlesh Kumar Choudhary told reporters.
In the viral video, the collector was also heard asking the principal about the electricity supply to the school and the number of lights-bulbs in each class to which the headmaster was heard giving unclear responses.
“You tell me clearly, what exactly the problem is. Tell me what is the problem with the power supply,” asked District Collector Sanjay Kumar Singh.
“You should have taken initiative. You call yourself a teacher. You need to be more presentable. Look at your appearance. You can wear whatever you want after school hours, look at the children they are more prepared than you are. It would have cost you hardly Rs 500 for installing these bulbs. Your casual approach is not welcome here. I caution you,” the collector is heard saying.
Singh also pointed out that the school principal did not know how to even prepare for inspections.