Popular television star Divyanka Tripathi extended warm wishes to her fans on the auspicious occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi. The actress posted a story featuring a collage of her past celebrations with her husband, accompanied by a warm caption. Her message reads: “I wish you Happy Ganesh Utsav and I pray to God for your prosperous life. May you find all delights of life, May your all dreams come true. May the blessings of Shree Ganesha be with you and your family forever!”

Take a look at Divyanka Tripathi’s Instagram story

The actress’s husband Vivek Dahiya also shared an engaging video on his Instagram story. The video showcased the city’s jubilant atmosphere as devotees welcomed the arrival of Lord Ganesha. Ganesh Chaturthi underscores the significance of the auspicious occasion symbolizing unity and faith.

Take a look at Vivek Dahiya’s Instagram story

Meanwhile, Divyanka has established herself as a versatile actress. Her notable credits encompass a range of popular shows, such as Yeh Hai Mohabbatein, Yeh Hai Chahatein, Banu Main Teri Dulhan, Intezaar, Teri Meri Love Stories, Mrs. And Mr. Sharma Allahabadwale, and many more.

Apart from this, the talented actress showcased her adventurous side by participating in the Rohit Shetty hosted reality TV show Khatron Ke Khiladi 11.



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