In continuation of the efforts taken by Bhagwant Singh Mann led Punjab Government to curb drug menace, an awareness programme would be held at Sports Complex, Sector 78, Mohali, tomorrow (December 14, 2023) at 11:00 am by the District Police, said SSP Dr Sandeep Garg, here today.
Taking a review meeting of the arrangements with the Police officers, he said that the programme would have Nukkad Natak, Panel Discussion and Motivational Speeches to make the discussion fruitful on the sensitive issue posing challenge to society.  He said that the celebrities, psychiatrists and students besides prominent personalities would join hands to sensitise the people falling prey to drugs. He said though the police have already been working on enforcement part but need of awareness and education can also play a pivotal role in eliminating drugs from the society. The officers who attended the meeting included SP (H) Dr Jyoti Yadav, SP City-1 Akashdeep Singh Aulakh, SP (Traffic and Industrial Security) H S Mann, SP (D) Amandeep Brar, SP (Rural) Manpreet Singh, DSP Harsimran Singh Bal besides SDM Mohali Chandrajyoti Singh, Deputy District Education Officer (Secondary) Angrej Singh and District Sports Officer Gurdeep Kaur.