MUMBAI : Disha Patani on Monday started the shooting of her upcoming action drama Ek Villain Returns and shared a picture from her vanity van. The actress took to Instagram and announced the beginning of the shoot. Patani wrote in the caption, “And here we go #ekvillainreturns @mohit11481 @balajimotionpic.”
The movie boasts an ensemble star cast including John Abraham, Tara Sutaria, Arjun Kapoor and Disha Patani. Earlier last year, media reports suggested that Aditya Roy Kapoor was paired opposite Tara Sutaria for ‘Ek Villain Returns’, however, now the ‘Ashiqui 2’ star has been replaced by the ‘Ishaqzaade’ actor Arjun Kapoor. Directed by Mohit Suri, the film’s first instalment was released in 2014.
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