On September 28, Mouni Roy turned a year older. Several Bollywood celebs took to social media to wish Mouni on her big day. Now, her bestie-actress Disha Patani took to her official Instagram handle and penned a special note for her. Also, she shared multiple pictures of them. Along with the pictures, she wrote, “My monz. You are so special and you really have changed my life this year in the most amazing way, All my happiest memories are with you. Happiest b’day to the most beautiful woman inside out i love you so much keep spreading your infectious love and positive energy everywhere you go. I love you.”
Take a look at Disha Patani’s Instagram post
Mouni also responded to her sweet note and commented, “My D. You my love is light and thank you for bringing so much love and light in my life. I Wuvv you.”
Have a look
Bollywood actor Tiger Shroff also wished the actress on her big day. He tweeted, “Happy birthday to an amazing human and an amazing artist ♥️ lots of love and best of health always @Roymouni.”
Here’s what Tiger Shroff tweeted
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