Disha Patani recently raised the heat in a black bodycon dress. The talented actress donned an all-black bodycon attire. She completed her look with shiny wavy locks and chunky jewellery. Reacting to her viral pictures, one of her fans wrote, “Hotness.” Another wrote, “Ufff this is so irresistible.” A third fan wrote, “Loveee it.” One of the fans commented, “fire fire fire.” Many dropped red heart and fire emojis in the comments section.
Take a look at mesmerizing pictures of Disha Patani
Earlier, the actress made headlines when she was spotted with her rumoured ex-boyfriend Tiger Shroff. For those unaware, they were rumoured to be dating for a few years before parting ways last year. While they remained silent about the break-up speculations, reports suggested that the actor had moved on with Akansha Sharma, with whom he has collaborated on two music videos and these include ‘Casanova’ and ‘I am a Disco Dancer 2.0’.
Meanwhile, on the professional front, the actress will soon be seen in Project K with Deepika Padukone, Amitabh Bachchan, and Prabhas. On the other hand, Tiger Shroff has Bade Miyan Chote Miyan opposite Akshay Kumar.