Discussions with Gautam Adani have been constructive since the open offer was launched and the suggestions that have been made were accepted by Adani Group chief “positively and with openness”, NDTV founders Prannoy Roy and Radhika Roy said in a statement on Friday. The AMG Media Network, after the recent open offer, is now the single-largest shareholder in NDTV, the statement said. “Consequently, with mutual agreement we have decided to divest most of our shares in NDTV to the AMG Media Network,” it said. “Since the Open Offer was launched, our discussions with Mr. Gautam Adani have been constructive; all the suggestions we made were accepted by him positively and with openness,” it added. The NDTV founders have proposed to transfer 27.26 per cent of their shares in the media company to Adani Group. Radhika and Prannoy Roy will sell 13.44 per cent and 13.82 per cent stake respectively, in NDTV to an entity owned by Adani group – RRPR Holding, NDTV said in a stock exchange filing on Friday.
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