MUMBAI: After dropping a groove-worthy teaser from the upcoming song ‘Dil De Diya’ of ‘Radhe’, megastar Salman Khan on Friday released the power-packed dance track featuring Jacqueline Fernandez and himself. The actor took to Instagram and shared the song. He wrote, “Aap logo ko dil de diya… aur yeh gana bhi, jiska naam hai #DilDeDiya.”
The two-minute-thirty-one second song showcases the duo, Salman and Jacqueline, setting the dance floor on fire with their killer dance steps. The peppy number is a mix of groovy dance moves and electrifying beats. Jacqueline is seen wearing in an ethnic dress which she seems to carry with utmost panache, whereas Salman is seen in a black casual suit looking his dashing best. The song is set up in a bar, where Jacqueline entertains with her dance moves, Salman joins in the song as he shakes a leg with the ‘Kick’ actor. The song ends up with a surprise as it sees Randeep Hooda adding up to the fun by performing a moonwalk.
Fernandez shared her experience of the song’s filming. She said,”Every time I collaborate with Salman, it is simply the best. His energy is contagious. Dil De Diya from Radhe is one of my favourite songs of all time.”
She added, “It is completely different from all my previous dance numbers. Also, having the dancing legend Prabhudeva sir behind the lens directing you was a surreal experience. We had so much fun shooting for it. I just had to do this one, and I cannot wait for people to see it.” The director of ‘Radhe’ Prabhudeva too shared a few words about Jacqueline and said, “Jacqueline’s glam and persona on screen are just exceptional; everyone knows it. She was our only choice for this song. I knew she would do a phenomenal job, and we are certainly thrilled with the output. She did complete justice to the choreography, and I hope everyone likes it too!”
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