Based on American novel The Fault in Our Stars, written by John Green, Dil Bechara marks the directorial debut of Mukesh Chhabra. The story is about two cancer survivors Kizie (Sanjana Sanghi) and Manny (Sushant Singh Rajput) who meet each other randomly but fall in love. Two people who are too young to die, but even when they are battling with cancer, they don’t stop dreaming.

Though the plot of the film is predictable, it’s an engaging film, though it becomes difficult and emotional to watch Sushant one last time. For the last time he makes an entry; he dances, impresses the lead actress and takes a permanent exit. Dil Bechara is a big celebration of Sushant, who came to Mumbai some years ago and proved himself with his dedication, honesty and hard work.

Sushant plays the role of Emmanuel Rajkumar Jr who suffers from osteosarcoma. He manages to pull Kizie out from her boring life.

Talking about the lead star, Sanjana Sanghi is seen making her debut in the film as Kizie and appears confident and natural. The supporting cast Saswata Chatterjee and Swastika Mukherjee also performs well as concerned parents. Saif Ali Khan appearing in cameo makes the plot even more interesting. Further, the music composed by A.R. Rahman and cinematography by Satyajit Pande, especially in Paris, make it more beautiful to watch.

The film may not be Sushant’s best performance — his roles like Lakhna in Sonchiriya, and M.S. Dhoni in the film based on the cricketer will score better on the performance parameter — but the late actor steals the show every time he appears on the screen. He is endearing, enchanting, and much more. Dil Bechara totally belongs to him. And rightly so.