Actress Digangana Suryavanshi who’s been seen in Bollywood films like ‘FryDay’ and ‘Jalebi’ recently took a trip to Indore’s Khandwa to visit the final resting place of the legendary playback singer Kishore Kumar. The actress who’s an admirer of the late singer shares her experience visiting Khandwa.

She penned an emotional note that reads, “This was a moment that I will always cherish. It was a very emotional one, mixed feelings rather… I don’t think I can truly filter how I felt but I wish just as my 11-year-old self I still believed that you were here with us. I wish I could see you in person, talk to you, tell you how incredible you are, the fact that you’ve motivated me to become an artist and be absolutely devoted. Kishore Da I know you’re chatting with God and I see you smiling right there. I hope you know that I love you very much, please accept me as your little sister who couldn’t see you, but you mean to me, maa and papa just as a family. Only wanted to visit Khandwa so I could feel you around there! We love you!”

The actress’s childhood passion for music may explain her great fondness towards the singer. Digangana wrote her first song at age four and released her first-ever music album called ‘Devi Kheer Khalo’ at the age of 10.